"Ghost Story"
November 8, 9, 16, 17 at 7:30 pm & November 10 at 2 pm

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In this comedy of errors and a laptop computer, Eve, a corporate whistle-blower, and her daughter, Caro, are awaiting a trial in which Eve must testify. Fearing a preemptive strike by the accused, they are sequestered in a broken-down 'safe house' on Chesapeake Bay, only to find that they are not the only occupants.

The house is already home to the ghosts of the legendary pirate Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach, gang leader and kidnapper Ma Barker, and the famous Depression-era bank-robbing couple Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker. The ghosts want their peace and oceanfront property back and set about with high-tech plans to scare the mother and daughter far away.

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Director: Donna Davis, Debbie Ell - assistant director, Cindy Hugo - Producer
Tickets are available at PetroMart and the following banks: F&M, Charter West, Citizens Bank and online.
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237 N. Main St
West Point, NE 68788